See repo at Repo

We review the development of H2ICE and Hydrogen fuel cell and introduce their current status. A discussion about the future of hydrogen powertrain is also here.

Github repo at Repo

To get the variational formulation of the PDE; To prove its uniqueness; To prove the unicity of the variational formulation.

The part I wrote is from section 4 experimental method to the end. And I think the high light of this report is to use a simple model+neural network to approximate the real world situation. Maybe this is a kind of PINN. In the sense that instead of mapping directly from input(particle size, parrticle weight, fluid speed ) to output (particle relative speed), we use a model to calculate relative speed using some physical parameters. Then we use Neural network to map the input to the parameters.

Will be updated soon!
update 17/12/2022. As I study more and more about FEM and numerical method, I find some of the implementation seems silly. But I still glad that I have written something, in a way it is a mirror that can provide a reflection about why we need this or that method--to avoid naive implementation as I did in this project.


(ITER Talks (2): The ITER Blanket System by iterorganization)

The artical was originally written in Chinese and has been translated by Google. English Ver maybe inaccurate.

感谢小组成员:涂非凡 张惟钧 蒋家伟 李锦奇 吕硕 全帅宇,为本次分析提供二元分析数据支持